Teddy (Part 4)

 In my last installment I described how Ted had moved in with Elizabeth (E) in her house in Thibodaux, LA, the sometimes rocky nature of their relationship, and how he continued to pursue connection with me. 

By October, I'd gotten my own situation settled to where I could see taking some time off to travel from North Carolina down to Louisiana to visit Ted. 

One thing I didn't mention previously, by this time Ted was no longer driving and so relied on E to go places, he often told me how uncomfortable he was with E's driving and how he sometimes had to white knuckle or sedate himself. through longer road trips.

Another thing I haven't mentioned is how early on Teddy expressed the desire to have (as he put it) "three days of you on the floor" with him massaging my body; a prospect I found enticing. 

I got my ducks in a row and scheduled a trip to see him, I reserved a room in Slidell, LA for us starting on October 29, the plan was to be there together through the 31st (Halloween); we'd then drive into New Orleans and spend Halloween night with E, and we'd go to E's place and I'd spend a few more days with them before driving back  home. 

The drive down was relatively uneventful (traffic through Atlanta was typically hellish), and I got to a couple of hour's out from Slidell early afternoon of the 29th. I'd been texting with Teddy the whole time and he'd said he'd get to the room first and set things up. As time wore on it was apparent that E was in no hurry to get him there, I offered to drive down to Thibodaux and pick him up, but he refused saying it would add hours to the trip. 

I reached Slidell and the hotel and Teddy and E hadn't even yet left Thibodaux, I was heartbroken but girded my loins and made the best of it. I showered and got dolled up and waited, and waited. 

We were to go out to dinner that evening with Sandi, an Ex of Ted's who lived nearby. She showed up after a couple of hours of my waiting, and we spent some time getting acquainted. 

Over an hour later Ted finally texted me that they'd reached Slidell. I was beside myself, this was the first time I'd be in his physical presence after our 30+ year friendship hiatus and our starting our romance. 

Sandi and I went down to the parking lot and located Ted and E, I was honestly expecting a more enthusiastic greeting from Ted, he gave me the briefest hug, I got an even more perfunctory one from E. I told myself this was because he didn't want to express himself too fully in front of E at that point. 

Ted was not one to travel lightly, and had brought quite a bit of stuff, so we schlepped all of that up to the room. After we emptied E's car she went on her merry way. And Sandi, Ted, and I found someplace for dinner. 

During dinner Ted and I sat next to each other and he was attentive, touching me, holding me close. Later Sandi would tell me that she'd not seen him so happy to be with someone ever before. 

After dinner Ted and I said farewell to Sandi and we went up to the room. I was very nervous and waited for Ted to kind of direct things, we ended up getting undressed and smoked some of the cannabis stuff he'd brought. He was fatigued from the day and we ended up just going to bed, he used a CPAP machine so that dictated how he lay, and I laid against him back to back, and we fell asleep.

I recall waking up at some point during the night feeling very anxious and paranoid, the mental flow of it felt similar to some experiences I'd had while tripping on LSD. I wondered if I'd made a mistake in being there, things were not happening in the fashion I'd expected or desired, Ted didn't seem as enthusiastic about our being together as I'd hoped, I was fearful that he was disappointed in the actual physicality of me but wasn't able to tell me that. 

I almost got myself up, planning to pack and depart, but I managed to calm myself and go back to sleep. In hindsight I think it was one of the cannabinoids he'd given me that provoked the episode, it happened again at a later time which I'll detail when I get to that. 

The next day, we got up and had some breakfast from the hotel, we showered and got dressed because he was expecting a woman friend of his who lived nearby to show up with her new baby. She arrived and I immediately felt alarm bells go of, there was something about her that felt chaotic and untrustworthy to me, but the baby was cute and we took a bunch of photos and short vids of Ted and me with the baby. 

We all planned to meet and have a late lunch together at the same restaurant we'd eaten at the night before. Ted's friend left to do some sort of errand prior to meeting us, Ted and I got stoned and then left to go to the restaurant. I'm somewhat ashamed to admit I realized I was probably too stoned to be driving right then, but we arrived without incident. Along the way we stopped at a smoke shop and Ted got a couple of new cannabis products to try. 

Ted and I waited for some time at the restaurant with no sign of his friend showing up, we eventually went ahead and ordered and about when we were finishing up his friend arrived with one of her friends in tow. My discomfort with the woman had not diminished, but we all sat together for a bit and talked. Ted wanted to leave so we made arrangements to pay for his friend's meal and left to go back to the hotel. 

We went back to the room and got naked and got stoned again. We laid together on the bed and I recall a lot of touching, though he mostly laid back with me running my hands all over his body. I eventually got up the nerve to touch his penis, the first time I'd ever directly interacted with a penis other than my own. 

Teddy had said to me that he was in control of when he had an erection and chose not generally to allow himself to become erect with a woman. In 20/20 hindsight, I think he suffered from at least some level of Erectile Dysfunction, but his ego wouldn't let him admit that. 

In any case he remained flaccid despite my manual efforts to arouse him. I then asked him if I could put him in my mouth, he didn't say anything. I kept saying how much I wanted to and he didn't stop me when I started kissing around his thighs and his pubic area, and eventually I took him orally. Sucking on him felt so right, I just loved him so much. Ted's penis responded a bit to this treatment, though he never got hard. Eventually we both got tired and we went to sleep. 

The next day was Halloween, and we were supposed to meet up with E later in New Orleans to go out in the French Quarter. Ted had expected E to reserve a room at one of the more modern hotels off Canal Street, but she ended up reserving at The Haunted Hotel in the middle of the quarter instead. 

Ted and I had a leisurely morning, showering, I watched him play some of the video games he was hooked on at the time (some kind of Battle Tanks and a Railroad sim), we went out for lunch and did some shopping and then drove into New Orleans.

E was already at the hotel and had her belongings in the room. The hotel didn't have any nearby place to park, they shared a lot several blocks away. So we had to park temporarily on the street to unload. The pathway into the hotel was a narrow alleyway with uneven cobbles which made getting our stuff in a challenge, and the room was on the second level balcony requiring climbing stairs, both of which hurt Teddy's feet and tired him. 

The room was small, taken up mostly by the king size bed which was well large enough for all three of us. Elizabeth had done little to prepare the room for our arrival, all her stuff and the items they'd chosen for the night were still packed. Teddy was angry and disappointed in E, perhaps also some carryover from her procrastination getting him to Slidell earlier. 

Ted spoke to her sharply telling her how unhappy he was with how she'd handled reserving a space for us, and not preparing the way for our arrival. E was equally unhappy with Ted's displeasure and got defensive, rationalizing her choices though not very effectively. I did my best to stay out of the middle of it. 

It was getting late and E and I started to put on our costumes. This further irritated Ted because the plan had been for us all to go as a Pirate Captain (Ted strongly identified with pirate lore) and his wenches. E had agreed to this earlier but ended up changing to a Dia de Los Muertos theme without informing Ted. 

Ted changed his clothes and went downstairs, I followed him to say to him how disappointed I was along with him about how the evening was turning out, but I was still glad to be with him and wanted to make the best of it. This seemed to mollify him somewhat, so I returned upstairs to finish my costume.

Ted texted us that he was going to head on to the restaurant where we planned to eat. While E and I were primping at the big mirror in the bathroom, she confessed to me that she had procrastinated bringing Ted to meet me and apologized. I asked her what I could do to ease her concerns about me, she asked me to be patient with her.

As we were finishing up, Ted texted again to say he hadn't made it all the way to the restaurant, he'd run out of steam and ended up sitting on the front steps of a house about halfway there. E and I headed out and found him. And we all continued on to the restaurant. 

There was a line and we ended up sitting outside, we people watched tourists and folks in costume until our table was ready.

The food was good but slow coming. By this time it was after midnight. After we ate we returned to the hotel, got undressed, and went to bed. No hanky-panky that night.

In the morning Ted was still irritated with E, but not so much as the night before. We packed up everything (which I flatter myself went faster than it otherwise would have because I was there), and struggled to get everything into my van and E's Prius.

We all went for breakfast, at a popular place on the edge of the FQ. While we were waiting for our table E went off to talk to a friend she'd run into and Ted and I sat and flirted with some young folks from out of town.

After breakfast, we visited an artist who had a nearby studio, then we headed for Thibodaux. The drive from New Orleans to Thibodaux is over an hour, and Teddy was still tired from the late night and the walking we did. Ted expressed how much more comfortable he was with my driving, settled in and promptly fell asleep in the passenger seat. It may have been petty, but I felt complimented and vindicated by that.

More later on how the rest of the week went.


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