Being a "Sissy" (revisited)
I've written before about being a "sissy", it's a mindset that I struggle with. To the extent that it represents a submission I can identify with that; but I do not desire submission to a man, I would consider it for a strong, dominant, and caring woman.
I encounter a lot of memes along the lines of the following image..
While I find the woman in this image incredibly attractive, the feeling I get from the sentiment expressed is mainly one of repulsion.
At the same time, I find the the thought of having this appearance, possessing the sort of body, wearing (being able to wear) the sorts of clothes that would provoke such feelings in a man to be titillating.
I think it's a feeling of power: I have this, you want it, and you can't have it.
Is that contradictory? Arrogant? Manipulative? Hypocritical? Perhaps. But I don't feel I owe anyone not to dress and present myself in whatever fashion suits me.
I also do not think men should get a pass on being "out of control", when the whole foundation of patriarchy is that men are singularly suited to be in control, literally of everything.
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