Epilation Update
So, I've been epilating for something like four months now.
I've got much of my body to where I can run the epilator over the skin every couple of days to keep things in check. My arms, legs, chest, and belly all stay pretty hairless with some minor attention.
I gave up on epilating my face and neck, it was just too excruciating and didn't seem to be progressing very well.
So I still shave my face with a razor once a week or so. And the shaver head that came with the epilator actually works extremely well for touch up on my facial hair between razor shaves; much better than any electric razor I've ever used previously, very well designed.
I'm working on epilating my crotch, I've got the "mons" area pretty well done and am slowly working my way downward over my scrotum and foreskin (which are now shrinking due to HRT, more on that later).
I still razor that area a couple of times a week too, I like how it feels afterwards.
And I'm still shaving my armpits, both because they're so tender (like the skin on my neck, not sure I'd ever be able to epilate them effectively...maybe); but also because it feels like such a girly thing to do ;-)
I notice some very fine hair coming in in some areas of my arms and belly. "Peach fuzz" you might call it. The epilator really doesn't pick this up, but that's OK, I don't mind having hair that fine in those areas.
There's areas on my tush and back I can't really reach that I know are still pretty furry. Not the epilator's fault by any means, I'd not be able to reach them easily with any shaving method. I'm considering getting waxed.
I've got much of my body to where I can run the epilator over the skin every couple of days to keep things in check. My arms, legs, chest, and belly all stay pretty hairless with some minor attention.
I gave up on epilating my face and neck, it was just too excruciating and didn't seem to be progressing very well.
So I still shave my face with a razor once a week or so. And the shaver head that came with the epilator actually works extremely well for touch up on my facial hair between razor shaves; much better than any electric razor I've ever used previously, very well designed.
I'm working on epilating my crotch, I've got the "mons" area pretty well done and am slowly working my way downward over my scrotum and foreskin (which are now shrinking due to HRT, more on that later).
I still razor that area a couple of times a week too, I like how it feels afterwards.
And I'm still shaving my armpits, both because they're so tender (like the skin on my neck, not sure I'd ever be able to epilate them effectively...maybe); but also because it feels like such a girly thing to do ;-)
I notice some very fine hair coming in in some areas of my arms and belly. "Peach fuzz" you might call it. The epilator really doesn't pick this up, but that's OK, I don't mind having hair that fine in those areas.
There's areas on my tush and back I can't really reach that I know are still pretty furry. Not the epilator's fault by any means, I'd not be able to reach them easily with any shaving method. I'm considering getting waxed.
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