Coming Out

I've gone out dressed femme several times now. I'm feeling a surprising lack of anxiety about it. Going out to a store seems to provoke little apprehension now.

So, I'm starting to put some thought into "coming out" more generally. This will at least include:

  • Telling Friends and Family
  • Coming out at Work
  • Legal Changes?

I'm not overly worried about my friends, those that I really care about I feel like will be nothing but supportive (some of them probably even suspect something like this is coming).

I've got little enough actual family left that I'm not sure there's anybody I really need to go out of my way to formally tell.

The legal changes seem optional to me at the moment; no hurries/worries there.

So, coming out at work feels like the biggest hurdle.

My greatest fear is actually the women. Some women can be very territorial about their "space", what they've worked for and achieved. They're rightfully proud and defensive of their accomplishments in the face of ongoing sexism and patriarchal forces that seek to minimize them. 

A "man" seeking to enter that space though, can be seen as an interloper, a threat (a shill or mole?). I already feel like a poseur; that's really going to make things awkward.

How are they going to respond to my now wanting to use the womens' restroom?


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